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James Link's picture

Funnel Cake

August, 2015
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
4 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

A defined vanilla aroma marries with hints of sweet corn to create a cakelike character in the nose with absolutely no hint of hops. The absence of fruity esters suggests the possibility of cold conditioning or the use of a lager yeast. This beer poured a pale hazy yellow in appearance with a medium-sized, tight white head. The flavor manifested a sweet, vanilla cake piquancy although the sweetness was more sugar-like and not related to the malt base. A very unique beer with no "off" flavors and just a light touch of hops in the finish. Featured as a Cream Ale, it lacked the carbonation levels and crispness generally associated with the style, but the light touch and delicate balance of ingredients coupled with the moderate alcohol level enhanced its drinkability. More of a novelty than an everyday beer, yet nice to have around for special occasions.
