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Tracy Hensley's picture

Big Guns IPA

May, 2016
Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
5 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Aromas of grapefruit, sea mist, peach juice, golden apricot jam and spearmint are apparent upon first whiff. Overall, this beer's aroma profile was reminiscent of a lemon curd chiffon tart. In the looks department, this beer was a heavy, bright, medium-golden color with a persistent off-white head clinging to the sides of thes glass for over five minutes. In the flavor, this beer is dominated by hop flavors of resin and lime pith, followed by clean, low milled white flour. A smooth, clean and dry finish is capped off by hop bitterness that lingers and clings to the teeth with a very low heat in the throat. It all finishes with a mouthwatering clean lime zest aftertaste. The mouthfeel is medium with a tongue-prickling carbonation character, very low warmth, a milky creaminess with slight watery character. Overall, this is an impressive example of a Session IPA that balances hop-forward IPA characteristics with a complex supporting malt profile.
