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Garrick van Buren's picture

Framboise Boon

Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
14 / 20

This clear, medium-brown beer with a low persistent head of dusty pink bubbles has a huge, enveloping bouquet of freshly harvested raspberries and rich black cherry. The barnyard notes common in the aroma of other lambics are not present here. The complex aroma leads into a light body, low carbonation, and dark fruit sweetness that is well-balanced by the acidity from raspberries and hints of lactobacillus. This combination creates a dramatic transition in sensations from slightly puckering and subtly astringent to a malty sweet finish with vanilla traces. This fun, easy-drinking fruit lambic insists on joining you on a picnic blanket for an outdoor summer concert accompanied with the creamy earthiness of Cypress Grove's Humboldt Fog.
