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Richard Wong's picture

Hop Pursuit IPA

July, 2017
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
33 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

This Full Sail Brewing Co. beer was judged as an American India Pale Ale (BJCP #21A).

The pour revealed a very nice light caramel hue. The clarity of this beer was crystal clear and the carbonation was really effervescent. The aroma definitely revealed an American IPA within. It exploded with very strong aromas of citrus and pine hop notes. The flavor of this beer was well balanced. Light malt/hops with  slight caramel notes. Considering the style of the beer, I felt that it was more like a session American IPA. The malt profile was very light, as was the hop bittering. The mouthfeel and body was very light (almost watery). Overall, it was light in flavor (malt/hops) and body as if a Session IPA