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Jim Koebel's picture


February, 2016
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
34 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Moderate lactic and buttery aromas rise from this American Wild Ale.  It takes on a background character that is damp and earthy as it warms. This beer pours an opaque orange color, though there is no visible sediment. The white head disappears instantly, not uncommon in this style.  The flavor, much like the aroma, consists of moderately-low lactic sourness and a buttery component (likely lactic acid-derived). There is an underlying Brett character that lends a flavored dryness. This beer finishes with a typical lactic pucker. It is well attenuated with only a trace of carbonation, but the buttery slickness adds texture and fullness.  This Wild Ale isn’t as complex as many other examples, and it offers no surprises.  To its credit, drinkers will get what they’re expecting.