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Dan Martich's picture

Judge’s Review: 83 Rating – All Y’all by Monday Night Brewing

January, 2019
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
6 / 10
Overall Impression: 
15 / 20

All Y’all by Monday Night Brewing is being evaluated as an American Pale Ale (Category 18B) from the 2015 BJCP guidelines. 

This beer poured golden yellow with a medium-light haze possibly due to dry hopping which is ok for the style. The white head was compact, while many small bubbles were seen rising to the top as an indication of its carbonation.

Moderately grapefruit with a light citrus lemons character, some dank hop notes come through in the aroma. A low piney character emerges just when you thought you were done picking up the hop aromatics. Very low grainy malt character and esters were also there for support.

Dank and piney flavored hops initially greet the taster, then lead into grainy dryness from the malt. This beer is clean, with a high bitter finish that’s long-lasting. The beer seems very straight forward and with no specialty malt characters of bread, toast or biscuit that would’ve added dimension and distinguished it from the pack. Some fruity hop characters develop as it warms.

Medium-light body and very high carbonation keeps this beer fizzy and dancing on the palate. There was a little carbonic bite detected that came across as unpleasant.

A very good beer that will please the dank, piney and resinous hop lovers; the fruity hops detected are layered nicely with a citrus and blueberry character. One that would pair well with a mustard topped bratwurst on a salty pretzel bun. Prost!
