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Michael McGuire's picture

Judge's Review: 84 Rating - Combustible Pineapple by Pontoon Brewing

June, 2018
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Combustible Pineapple by Pontoon Brewing is an IPA brewed with pineapple, and was judged as a Specialty IPA (BJCP sub-style 21B). This beer poured pale orange and mostly clear but with a light haze into the glass, where it formed a thin white head with average retention. Its aroma led off and was dominated by huge pineapple notes, followed by lesser vanilla ones. The flavor profile also began with intense pineapple, before it was joined and tempered a bit by vanilla and lactose as well as pear esters. Other notable elements included low hop and malt flavors, either minimal in the case of hops, or masked by the heavy pineapple additions in the case of malt. The mouthfeel featured a medium body, mild creaminess imparted by lactose, low or no alcohol warmth for an IPA and a sweet fruity aftertaste. This beer’s balance and drinkability were disrupted by the overwhelmingly heavy addition of pineapple. Quite simply, it tastes far more like a fruit beer than an IPA. Drinkers who truly enjoy that fruit, even in their beer, might order more than one pint. Others would be expected to turn quickly to other taps to return some semblance of balance to their beer palates.
