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Longbody Ale by Hometown Brewing Co. is being evaluated as an American Pale Ale (Category 18B) from the 2021 BJCP Style guidelines.
This beer starts with moderate aromas of hoppy American hops character of grapefruit, pine and resin. The notes are of caramel, biscuit and multi-grain bread. Pomme fruit esters add to the complex aroma.
The beer poured with a rich gold color and had an ever-so-slight haze. A tight small white head crowned the glass.
A high amount of caramel malt sweetness is primary in the flavor, followed by an intense hop character of citrus grapefruit, pine and resin. The yeast character is estery to complement the fruity hop character detected in the aroma. The balance is decidedly toward the hops, as it should be for the style. This beer finishes dry with a long, hoppy citrus peel aftertaste.
The body is medium with a moderate level of carbonation, and exhibits slightly higher warmth with an ABV of 6.7%, although it does not come across as harsh.
A very good beer to drink, one that has all the hallmarks of the style. There is however a cheese-like aroma that comes through as the beer warms, possibly due to the age of the hops. Here’s a hoppy balanced beer that showcases the wonderful flavor and characteristics of American hops.