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Judge's Review: 86 Rating - Two of Tarts by Upland Brewing Co.

June, 2018

Two of Tarts

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
4 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Two of Tarts by Upland Brewing Co. is a Gose, judged as BJCP Category 27, Historical Beer. Fresh tropical fruit makes up the aroma of this beer, with notes of passion fruit and grapefruit. It smells lightly acidic and has a sharp quality. This beer pours a hazy yellow color, with a low, fizzy white head that dissipates very quickly and leaves no trace. The flavor is clean and bright, again consisting of tropical fruit. The taste of fruit pith and light acidity help to balance the flavor in the absence of any hop bitterness. This beer is very lightly salted -- almost imperceptible. Missing are the yeasty flavors that add depth and fullness to this style. It has a light body and moderate carbonation, which feels a few notches too low for style. Overall this makes for a simple, fruity and refreshing summer beer.