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Sal Mortillaro II's picture

Judge's Review: 89 Rating - Mosaic IPA by Community Beer Co.

June, 2018
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Mosaic IPA by Community Beer Co. is being evaluated as an American IPA (category 21A) as per the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

This beer pours a light amber color with slightly hazy clarity. A dense, off-white colored head persists and fades away leaving a nice lacing on the glass. On the aroma, a moderate blueberry note is most prominent with subtle tangerine and pine aromas. Moderate-low caramel malt aromas sit behind the hops. Any fruity esters present in this beer are lost behind the relatively intense blueberry aroma of the hops. Moderately high malt sweetness with moderate-low caramel flavor compose the malt flavor of this beer. The blueberry notes of the hops are more defined in the flavor but the tangerine and pine remain subtle. A high bitterness and low alcohol help to balance out the malt after the sip and a bitter, fruity, caramel and slightly grainy flavor remain in the aftertaste. This beer is medium-bodied with ample carbonation. There is a moderate alcohol warmth in the beer after the swallow. Overall, this example was one of the most blueberry-forward Mosaic examples I’ve had. The use of Crystal-style malts made the perception of the beer a little residually sweeter than is in actuality and reigning that in would help crisp the beer up and enhance drinkability.