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Judge’s Review: 89 Rating - Pentuple by Hoppin' Frog Brewery

September, 2020



Pentuple, Hoppin Frog Brewery

This new beer style is a Belgian-style Pentuple! It's just like a Trippel that's somewhat hoppy, light in color, and has its signature fruity and complex character. But our Pentuple is super-charged for more flavor, and ultimately more enjoyment!!

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
50º F



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Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
4 / 6
36 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
15 / 20

Pentuple by Hoppin' Frog Brewery is being evaluated as Belgian Tripel (Category 26C) from the 2015 BJCP guidelines. 

This beer poured golden orange with nearly no head. What very little head there is, is white and very thin. No carbonation was noticed in the way of rising bubbles, but, man, is this beer viscous when swirled.

Aromas of black pepper, cloves, a mild level of circus peanuts candy and pink bubblegum welcome the olfactory senses. Indicative of a Belgian yeast strain; a high yet pleasant alcoholic note was perceived as well.

The flavor is expressed as very malty, with a fruity forwardness that resembles caramelized pineapple. Fruity esters of ripe pear found in the Tripel style are present but secondary to the malt sweetness, which is honey-like. Spicy phenols add balance to the malt characteristics mentioned. With no hops detected, the bitterness seems to come across as moderately bitter citrus-orange peel. The elevated alcohols add in part to the overall experience.

No doubt a full-bodied beer with moderately light carbonation somewhat low for the style, it misses the effervescent character. It is absent of astringency, and has a moderate creaminess. 

Overall, Pentuple is a big voluptuous beer, with a body to kill for. Pour this beauty into a big snifter glass. Savor those big notes and the mild ones too, and don’t rush it with that big ABV, which can quickly catch up to you. Enjoy this one responsibly. Although not quite a Belgian Tripel, the intention and execution both come across very well.