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Richard Wong's picture

Judge's Review: 90 Rating - Rancho Lager by Garage Brewing Co.

November, 2019
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Rancho Lager by Garage Brewing Co. was judged as #5C (German Helles Exportbier) according to the 2015 BJCP Guidelines. The aroma of this beer revealed a wonderful malt sweetness and subtle hints of honey with negligible hop aroma (okay for style). The pour revealed a straw-colored hue with very good clarity and a rocky head (carbonation ). As well, the carbonation had good head retention throughout the tasting. The flavor of this beer was a balanced malt sweetness along with light hop bittering very much in the style of German Helles. The beer had a light / medium body and mouthfeel. Very good carbonation throughout, which made the beer very crisp, dry and smooth. A very easy-drinking beer made in the true German helles style.