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Judge's Review: 90 Rating - Twenty-Two by Low Road Brewing

April, 2022



United States
Twenty-Two, Low Road Brewing

This American Lager is our first beer brewed to significantly reduce gluten. Brewed specifically to support our veterans, 20% of the sales of this beer will go directly to Irreverent Warriors to help support their mission to bring veterans together to improve mental health and prevent veteran suicide.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Twenty-Two by Low Road Brewing was reviewed following the 2021 style guidelines established by the Beer Judge Certification Program under category 1B American Lager.

A light, malt-accented aroma is initially manifest with only a wisp of hops in the background. No fermentation characteristics were noted as is typical for this style.

Pale yellow in color, slightly cloudy with a big frothy white head that held up nicely.

The flavor profile followed form to the aroma. A delicate balance of bread-like malt and low alpha hops delivered a gentle savor to the partaker and was accompanied by a slight acidic bite. Alcohol was on the light end of the style spectrum, which increased drinkability.

Light in body, well attenuated with lots of carbonation to tickle the tongue and accentuate the aroma.

A well-made, low-gravity thirst quencher that would serve well as a session beer for those long summer nights.