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Judge's Review: 91 Rating - 12th of Never by Lagunitas Brewing Co.

October, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
36 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

12th of Never by Lagunitas Brewing Co. was judged as an American Pale Ale (style 18B), according to the BJCP 2015 Style Guidelines.

An intense, complex hop aroma of resin and pine immediately assaults the nose followed by layers of grapefruit, tangerine, passion fruit and papaya. It’s a challenge to pick up the light grainy/bready malt character in this beer. Wonderfully clear with a pale gold color and small, fine-bubbled layer of foam that tries to rein in the massive hop bouquet but fails miserably.

Flavor is very similar to aroma – a highly concentrated blend of resin, pine and citrus tightly coupled with New World tropical fruit hop flavors. Enough bitterness to keep the beer refreshing with a crisp, dry finish encouraging further consumption. The balance is clearly tipped in favor of the hops. Medium-light body and moderate carbonation without any astringency.

If you prefer your pale ales hop heavy with a hint of maltiness, this beer is for you!
