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Judge’s Review: 91 Rating - AVL IPA by Highland Brewing Co.

July, 2018


North Carolina
United States
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

AVL IPA by Highland Brewing Co. is being evaluated as an American IPA (Category 21A) from the 2015 BJCP guidelines. 

This beer poured bright yellow with a slight haze. The white soft foam persisted for a long time and many small bubbles where seen rising to the top as an indication of its effervescent quality.

The aroma has moderate amounts of citrus notes in the way of pink grapefruit rind, a light amount of pine and biscuit malt. The esters are low in this ale, and it becomes more floral as it warms. There is a dank hop note on the second pour.   

In the flavor, there is a moderate amount of citrus pink grapefruit rind and fresh hops that jump out, leaving a long-lasting citrus aftertaste. The grainy malt character is there but low and secondary -- as it should for the style. The balance is toward the hops and ends with a crisp, dry finish, while fruity esters come through as it warms.

Medium body, and a moderately high carbonation round out the mouthfeel. A slight creaminess (without astringency or alcoholic warming sensation) gives it a pleasant smoothness considering how dry it is. 

An outstanding example of the style, with no wild interpretations here. The greatest thing this beer has going for it is the freshness of the hops.
