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Judge's Review: 91 Rating - Stone Delicious Double IPA by Stone Brewing Co.

January, 2023

Stone Delicious Double IPA

Stone Delicious Double IPA

United States
Stone Delicious Double IPA, Stone Brewing
Beverage Profile
Amarillo, Centennial



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Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
34 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Stone Delicious Double IPA by Stone Brewing Co. was judged as #22A (Double IPA) category according to the 2021 BJCP Guidelines. The pour of this beer revealed a light copper hue that had great clarity. No chill haze, no cloudiness in appearance. The carbonation was perfect as well. It had a nice rocky, creamy head along with great retention with the bubbles clinging to the side of the glass. The aroma revealed a surprisingly subtle hop aroma along with a malt sweetness. The first sip revealed a double IPA that had the malt presence along with the hop bitterness. Nice malt backbone and a nice hop bittering that actually wasn't overtly aggressive, but rather moderate. Nevertheless, one could tell that this was an IPA, because the hop flavors were nice, clean and sharp.  Again, one could tell that this had a little bit of alcohol 9.4% ABV, but it didn't have the alcohol burn associated with some double IPAs and stronger. The mouthfeel and body of this beer was medium along with good carbonation. Nice overall beer that was balanced appropriately between malt and hops. Hop bittering was moderate and not overt (a nice change), because hop bittering can be overdone in some cases. Smooth and crisp finish in the palate with no noticeable alcohol burn considering that this is a double IPA with a 9.4% ABV.