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Judge's Review: 92 Rating - Micro Giant by Gnarly Barley Brewing Co.

February, 2022

Micro Giant

Micro Giant

United States
Micro Giant, Gnarly Barley Brewing

A classic style done up our way. A sturdy amber malt backbone dosed with Belgian Candi Sugar for a body and viscosity that just won’t quit. Brewed with Belgian yeast for a punch of fruity esters. A well rounded and impossibly quaffable beer clocking in at 6.8%.

Beverage Profile
Pilsner, Munich, Special B, Biscuit



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Micro Giant by Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. is a Belgian-style dubbel and was judged as such according to the BJCP 2015 guidelines (sub-style 26B). It poured a translucent mahogany into the glass, forming a thin white head with modest retention. The aroma led off with an intense caramel and dark fruit (especially raisiny) nose, followed by some spicy noble hops in the background. Dominant flavors were also produced by specialty grains that yielded the distinctive dark fruit esters that are a hallmark of the dubbel style, and by the signature Trappist yeast that blends and amplifies the flavor contributions of both the hops and multiple grain additions. The mouthfeel included a medium body, the robust carbonation typical of the style, as well as slight warming from the alcohol produced by the rich malt bill and the even richer Trappist yeast.

This beer’s drinkability is high due to the artful blending of all these style-appropriate ingredients in correct proportions. If anything, this beer avoids some flavor excesses found in a few dubbels brewed in either Belgium or the heavier-handed brewers at the kettle and should be applauded for that.