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Judge’s Review: 93 Rating - Barrel-Aged Hypnic Jerk by Gnarly Barley Brewing Co.

February, 2021

Barrel-Aged Hypnic Jerk

Barrel-Aged Hypnic Jerk

United States
Barrel-Aged Hypnic Jerk, Gnarly Barley Brewing

Our English Barleywine is bursting with complexity and rich maltiness. The 10.9% ABV is masked with a luscious body and toffee and caramel aromas. We aged a portion of it for a year in bourbon barrels, resulting in extra layers of dark caramel and oak. The whiskey overtones are the perfect compliment with just enough burn to keep this beer interesting.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Barrel-Aged Hypnic Jerk by Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. is being evaluated as a Specialty Wood-Aged Beer (Category 33B) from the 2015 BJCP Provisional Style guidelines. 

This beer poured mahogany brown with orange hues, and it was moderately cloudy. A light tan head crowned the glass, becoming a beautiful top to frame to the color underneath.

There are lots of aromas to pick up here, starting with rich maltiness and notes resembling a port wine, followed by the boozy yet pleasant alcoholic note from bourbon barrel-aging. You’ll find strong fruity esters of dark fruit, raisins, figs, dried cherries and fresh vanilla extract. Woodsy oaky barrel aromas develop as it warms in the glass.

The flavor profile is likewise complex. There is malt sweetness within that resembles fig jam with a moderately high yet pleasant amount of alcohol. While the bourbon supports this beer very well, it is absent of hop characteristics in both the flavor and bitterness. Here is a straightforward sweet and malty beer that uses the bourbon barrel-aging technique for balance and support of the base beer flavors above all else. The finish is semi-sweet and preceded by a long bourbon aftertaste.

This beer is full-bodied with a moderately low amount of carbonation so that it becomes nearly chewy, which is a good quality in a big beer. The warming alcohol contributes to the drinkability of this beer while giving it dimension.

This is one big beer in both character and flavor. It’s a great winter beer that is sure to warm up your bones, but you want to take your time with this one, sipping it while contemplating the mysteries of life. So pour this one in a snifter and cradle your hand around it. Made to be enjoyed for all those subtle and not-so-subtle flavors, aromas and mouthfeel; this one's a keeper. 

Small note: the bourbon may be slightly too high for some, particularly as it warms.