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Joseph Formanek's picture

Judge's Review: 93 Rating - Double Barreled Maple Stout by Avery Brewing Co.

November, 2019
Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Double Barreled Maple Stout by Avery Brewing Co. is a monster of a brew, weighing in at over 15 percent ABV. While there is a lot going for this extremely complex concoction, there is a bit of an issue with sweetness, as is seen many times in a huge Imperial Stout type such as this. This beer is being evaluated as a Category 34B Specialty Mixed-Style beer according to the 2015 BJCP guidelines. 

The aroma is quite astounding and complex. A big maple and bourbon nose blasts through upon the pour with a solid background of roasted coffee, black malt and a lot of ethanol.  This deep black-colored opaque brew has a tannish-brown lacy head with quite good retention considering the strength of the brew. Absolutely no issues so far!

Maple, coffee, chocolate and black malt characters are up front in the flavor, with a considerable amount of ethanol. The bourbon and wood notes are somewhat subtle in the flavor. Hop character is rather subtle with bitterness not asserting itself well against the high-moderate level of sweetness that comes through from the middle through the finish.  The body is massive – as full as you can get. Very thick and chewy. This is not a quaffable beer in any way, shape or form, but one to enjoy in moderation.

Double Barrel Maple Stout is simply a massive brew! There are exceptional levels of flavor with great complexity, but the sweetness in the finish tends to go in a cloying direction. This would be a fantastic dessert beer after a hearty meal. Cheers and enjoy!