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Judge's Review: 94 Rating - White Rascal by Avery Brewing Co.

November, 2019

White Rascal

Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

White Rascal by Avery Brewing Co. is a classical interpretation of the BJCP 24A Witbier style. Wheat, Spice, Citrus – yup, all there, without any additional complexities, which is a perfectly fine way of brewing this style. Though there are minor quibbles, Avery did a great job with this one! 

The aroma is comprised of cereal and coriander notes along with a touch of citrus/orange character and a bit of Belgian banana fermentation character. This is unmistakably a Wit! The brew has a hazy light golden color and a white, small-bubbled lacy head with very good retention. 

The flavor has an evident cereal and wheat bite along with coriander, citrus and banana flavors. These flavors are retained through the middle, finish and aftertaste. The body is medium and the carbonation is moderate. The sourness is rather mild, which allows a bit too much sweetness from the grain to come through in the finish, making it ever so slightly cloying.

White Rascal is a very solid interpretation of a traditional Witbier. Even though it could be improved by having a touch more tartness, this is still a very nice example of the style. Cheers and enjoy!