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Judge’s Review: 96 Rating – Jewbelation 22 by Shmaltz Brewing Co.

December, 2018
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

Jewbelation 22 by Shmaltz Brewing Co. is being evaluated as an American Strong Ale (Category 22B) from the 2015 BJCP guidelines. 

Mahogany, with deep orange highlights in color, exhibited brilliant clarity. A light tan frothy head, loosely tied had average retention. Tiny bubbles were detected slowly rising to the top indicating a thick viscosity.

Rich malt, notes of caramel, toffee, nutty with dried fruit esters aromas. Moderate dark raisins, with very little earthy hops detected. Very light oxidation present, which is ok given the high 11% ABV.

Rich malt is carried throughout the flavor with a caramel, nutty and medium roast malt character. One that made for a very interesting beer, and begged for more flavor discoveries. The earthy hop flavor was very low and nearly imperceptible. A medium high bitterness complements the high malt sweetness. Esters developed from the fermentation stage assist this big flavored beer beautifully.  A semi-dry finish has a medium malty aftertaste that lingers. A high alcoholic flavor level is masked by the malt richness incredibly well.

This beer is medium-full bodied and has medium-high carbonation that keeps the alcoholic warmth smooth. Pleasantly creamy with no astringency detected. Not cloying as some American Strong Ales can become.

A near-textbook example of the style. Well within the parameters and then some. A delicious and well-brewed beer to complement the winter season among us. And one to pair with many holiday foods and treats. It narrowly resembles an English Barleywine, yet keeps its distance by not having that chewy, velvety mouthfeel. I particularly enjoy how the alcohol flavor is balanced by all the malty goodness.