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Judge's Seltzer Review: 71 Rating - Hidi's Hester, Grapefruit Hard Seltzer by Arches Brewing

October, 2022

Hidi’s Hester, Grapefruit Hard Seltzer

Hidi’s Hester, Grapefruit Hard Seltzer

United States
Hidi’s Hester, Grapefruit Seltzer, Arches Brewing

This perfect summer seltzer was brewed by Kerry Brown thanks to Team Hidi and The Giving Kitchen.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
35º F



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Judges Rating: 
16 / 24
5 / 6
29 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
12 / 20

Hidi's Hester, Grapefruit Hard Seltzer by Arches Brewing is an interesting concept for a seltzer, however there are definite issues with the execution of this particular batch of product. Hopefully these issues would be addressed for the next production. This sample is being evaluated as per The Beer Connoisseur Hard Seltzer Definitions & Judging Guidelines (2022) as a Fruit Seltzer.

The aroma is very indicative of the issues with this sample. A strong chlorine/sanitizer character simply dominates the nose. There is no other character, with no grapefruit noted. The appearance is quite hazy with a slight pinkish tinge, which is acceptable for the style.

The flavor follows the characters in the aroma quite well. A sanitizer-like flavor dominates, which detracts greatly. If there is a grapefruit note present, it is completely overwhelmed by the off-notes. The same character lingers through the middle and finish of the drink. The carbonation is high/sparkling, the strength is medium and the sweetness is moderate to high, delivering a rather cloying finish

There appears to have been some issues with water filtration for this sample, with perhaps a lack of deoxygenation allowing flavor degradation. If that issue is addressed, the quality of this seltzer would undoubted improve markedly.