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Sal Mortillaro II's picture

Nutty Brunette

October, 2016
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

This American Brown Ale pours a dark brown color with good clarity.  A fine beige creamy head is moderate in its retention and leaves a ring around the glass when it dissipates.  A moderate malty sweet aroma is forefront on the nose consisting of medium levels of chocolate, low caramel, and a touch of nuttiness.  Hop aromas are low and have a restrained earthy note associated with them.  Low-mod fruity yeast esters similar to strawberries are apparent and blend with the malt sweetness to form an almost strawberry-jam like quality.  Very light wisps of alcohol are apparent as the beer warms.  The flavor is comprised of a medium malt sweetness consisting of malt notes similar to the aroma, however the noted alcohol in the aroma tends to slightly muddle the flavor of the malt, but the nuttiness prevails after the swallow.  Bitterness is medium with no discernible hop flavor.  Light fruity strawberry like esters are present in the flavor as well.  Balance is towards the malt in this beer as the malt sweetness lingers for several seconds after the swallow.  This beer has a medium body with an ample moderate carbonation that tickles the tongue.  Alcohol is just noticeable and slightly to warms the mouth.  Overall, this beer has a very nice malt profile which is overshadowed by just a touch too much alcohol which is slightly distracting; however, this is a still a well-constructed and flavorful beer.  This beer would pair well with an aged gouda cheese as the caramel and nutty notes of the beer go well with the caramel and nutty notes of the cheese.