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Richard Wong's picture

Cold Brew IPA

July, 2016
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

I was presented this beer by being told it was an IPA with coffee. Already, I'm thinking "clash of flavors." With that in mind, I proceeded with this beer cautiously. The initial aroma of this beer was a massive coffee character that made me question whether I opened a beer or a can of cold-pressed coffee. The coffee aroma was strong enough, in fact, that it was all I picked up -- nothing much in terms of hops. This beer featured a very dark copper color with slight chill haze, beautiful carbonation and nice head retention. Predominantly, its flavors were of malt, coffee and hops. It was well balanced and also had subtle flavors of caramel/toffee and a slight roasty character. It had medium body and good carbonation that finished both a little dry and sweet. Surprisingly, the coffee flavors balanced nicely with hops in this beer -- making this an interesting and unusual IPA.