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Joseph Formanek's picture

Hop'lin IPA

August, 2015
Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
5 / 6
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Southbound Brewing Company's Hop’lin IPA is a very well-crafted, balanced IPA that delivers the goods. This slightly hazy golden-colored brew with a solid lacy head has an absolutely fantastic aroma. An amazing marriage of fresh citrus, woody and dank hop characters deliver a very strong invitation to continue the tasting of this brew. The complexity of the hop aroma is carried through into the flavor, with citrus, woody and resiny hop flavor notes and moderate bitterness pairing well with the slightly caramelly malt backbone. The fermentation character is quite clean with a few esters exhibited, leaving the hop character to remain front and center.  The body is medium-light to medium, delivering just the right amount of sweetness in the finish to complement the lingering hop flavor and bitterness in order to prepare you for the next delicious sip.