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Michael Bury's picture

Switchback Ale

October, 2017
Judges Rating: 
16 / 24
5 / 6
33 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

Switchback’s Switchback Ale IPA is being judged as a Best Bitter (2015 BJCP Category 11B).  However, according to the brewery it doesn’t fit any particular style as it was developed with a flavor profile and not a style in mind.

Moderate dry biscuits and toast with light caramel opens the aroma alongside a restrained earthy hop with hints of boyensberry and lemon.  A whisper of apricot may be from fermentation.  This ale is somewhat hazy with a light copper color beneath a long lasting beige head.

The flavor is similar to the aroma in that the butter-less biscuit and caramel malt with a bit of brown bread is slightly dominating due to the moderate bitterness and light hop flavor.  Switchback’s Ale finishes dry with a resinous aftertaste.

Highly quaffable, this fine ale would be best served on hand pump to allow some of the additional, slightly obscured fruit to emerge.  Despite that, you’ll find yourself at the bottom of the glass before you can ask, “What beer style is this?”
