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Jessica Sullivan's picture

Upland Wheat Ale

July, 2017
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Upland Wheat Ale is being evaluated as a Belgian Witbier (BJCP 2015 category 24A). 

The aroma for this beer was enrapturing -- coriander, orange peel, clove, banana, and a honey-like wheat character dominated. There was a slight near-cinammon wheat spice, along with a restrained tartness and rich velvety honey aroma that literally made my mouth water. From the fruity esters in the aroma, I might have guessed this was a Weissbier, but the combination of spice and (orange) fruit make this an appropriate Witbier.

The appearance of this beer is hazy and colored like very pale straw. There was a creamy moussy bright white head that persisted -- these characteristics are ideal for the style.

The flavor was first characterized by a wheat-based honey and spice character -- these were balanced by clove phenols, a slight undertaste of orange and banana, and a zesty bite of coriander. The finish was extremely crisp and dry, and made me want another sip (and another, and another). The combination of fruit and spice, paired with the slight wheat-sweetness and clean dry finish made this a joy to drink. While the banana and clove characteristics might again make this not a perfect fit for the Witbier category, they were mild and enhanced the overall taste and drinkability. As is appropriate for the style, there was no detectable hop flavor, and very minimal bittering.

The beer was medium bodied, with champagne-like bubbles that filled my mouth. Extremely clean finish with no drying, puckering, or other unpleasant mouthfeel.

Overall, this is an outstanding beer that I hope to drink more of!
