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Lyn Howard's picture

Warehouse Pils

February, 2017
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Starr Hill Brewery’s Warehouse Pils is a German Pilsner and it was evaluated as a 2015 BJCP Category 5D - German Pilsner. The aroma of this pilsner is quite fragrant with a black pepper spiciness laid on top a light floral bouquet. There is a clean, malt behind the hops that provides balance.

The beer pours crystal clear with a medium straw color and an inviting tiny bubbled, creamy white head that dissipated quickly, but left a thin ring of bubbles around the glass.

The flavor has a dominant bready, sweet and clean malt base overlaid with the same spicy florals found in the aroma, and a moderate hop bitterness. The flavor fades to a dry finish with some residual hop flavors lingering on the tongue. The carbonation level is substantial, but not prickly, and the beer presents as moderately light on the tongue.

A refreshing and thirst quenching German Pilsner that has the proper balance between a crisp malt base and the noble hop accents. It could easily be sampled in multiples.