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Editorial Dept.

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Editorial Dept.

The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online is the beer and beverage industries’ leading media authority that covers a range of consumer and professional interest categories including beer and beverage news, people, food & travel, beverage trends, education, expert beverage reviews, blogs, and lifestyles content including cannabis, CBD, spirits, gaming, gambling, casinos, technology, consumer products, and more.

Articles, stories and reviews that are published under the Editorial Department by-line have been produced as a collaborative effort by multiple staff editors within our editorial department with expertise on the subject.

You may reach the editorial department with questions, story pitches or opportunities by email at:

editorial (at) beerconnoisseur (dot) com


My articles

What is Belgian Dark Strong Ale?
Some of the most highly sought-after and elusive beers in the world fall into the Belgian Dark Strong Ale category. For many beer connoisseurs they...
What is Old Ale?
Old ales can be confusing. Some are actually old, others not. Some are called winter warmers, stock ale or “keeping” ale. Some like to think they are...

