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S J Klein

S J Klein's picture
Beer Judge

Picking up homebrewing on a bicycle trip across Australia in the 80's, S J. became the official brewer of his dorm in college. Turning an obsession into a profession, he attended the Siebel Institute long program, and started and ran the Borealis Brewery for 7 years, after which he became serious about judging. S J doesn't have a favorite style of beer, so much as he appreciates a beer that is well made. He's looking for balance, character, and "something to knock my socks off". He lives in Anchorage, Alaska, which from time to time has more breweries per capita than any other city in the world.

My reviews

Aunt Sally

Aunt Sally Lagunitas Beer
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
18 / 24
33 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
17 / 20

On first blush, the nose was grassy. Just grassy? Yes, but… on second sniff maybe it's lemongrass? If I were to parse it, I get lemon peel and straw. The beer is crystal clear, with big bubbles. It's medium-gold with a pure white head that thins out fairly quickly.

It is indeed sour.... Read More
