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50 Top-Rated Beers from 50 Issues of The Beer Connoisseur


Winter 2020, Issue 46

Cruise Control
Cruise Control
Two Roads Brewing Co.
Munich Helles

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Reviewed by John C. Tull

Bready malt dominates the aroma profile with a mild malt sweetness in the background. The color is a pale gold with exceptional clarity. An off-white head lingers on the surface and edges of the glass. The flavor bears the hallmarks of this style with a grainy-malt sweetness that is not overbearing and well balanced with modest hop bitterness. The water even has a mineral quality suggestive of classic Munich brewing water... CONTINUE READING


Spring 2020, Issue 47

Barrel-Aged Brownie Batter Batch Blend #1
Barrel-Aged Brownie Batter Batch Blend #1
Pontoon Brewing
Specialty Wood-Aged Beer

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Reviewed by Dan Martich

The aroma begins with moderate vanilla and an absence of the presumed oak barrel notes. Pleasant bourbon in the nose is up front and center but not harsh. Dark roasted malts are secondary to a slight barrel and alcohol character. In the appearance section we find an opaque beer that has a foamy, medium brown head that was fizzy and short-lived. Wow! Sweet roasted malty goodness is knocking at the door, so let ‘em in!  Big bold flavors of espresso with a touch of cream and plenty of boozy alcohols play well... CONTINUE READING


May/June 2020, Issue 48

Gnarly Barley Brewing Co.
Specialty IPA

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Reviewed by Joseph Formanek

Extremely dank hop aromas (Citra, Mosaic, Simcoe) dominate the nose upon the pour, with the citrus and tropical fruit being most dominant. There is a light malty sweet aroma is in the background. The beer pours like a pulp-free orange juice, being completely turbid with a solid rocky white head with small bubbles and lacing. The flavor is very dank, with overripe tropical fruit and citrus hop character predominant from start through finish. Citra is the leader of the pack here. The malt backbone is light to moderate. The drink starts off somewhat dry... CONTINUE READING


Summer 2020, Issue 49

Sion Kölsch
Sion Kölsch

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Reviewed by Jason Johnson

The aroma is light, but not void by any means. I easily pick up clean moderate grainy malt with a slightly cracker-like secondary note. What I really like is the hop nose on the beer. It's noticeable and comes across as floral, the range is medium-light and falls in just short of the malt aroma. The fermentation is relatively clean, and leaves the beer's malt and hops to speak for themselves, there is a light fruity character that steps into the light as the beer warms slightly. The color is light yellow and brilliantly clear. It poured a light fizzy white head... CONTINUE READING


Fall 2020, Issue 50

Barrel Aged Imperial Korova
Barrel Aged Imperial Korova
Gnarly Barley Brewing Co.
Specialty Wood-Aged Beer

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Reviewed by Joseph Formanek

The aroma has an incredible complexity of bourbon, chocolate, dark malt, sweet raisins, coffee and caramel. Very attractive and it begs you to take a sip! The oak character from the barrel is mellow and complementary. The beer pours an opaque inky black color with a light tan small-bubbled head that is fleeting. The flavor mirrors the aroma quite well. Big bourbon notes are up front on top of an extremely rich chocolate, coffee and caramel malt character that is quite inviting. Hop flavor and bitterness is subtle, but there is enough of the latter to balance out the sweetness of this brew pretty well. The body is medium to medium-full, and the carbonation is rather low. Alcohol is... CONTINUE READING


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