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The Best Breweries of 2019


the beer connoisseur's second runner-up best breweries 2019


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Second Runner-Up: Monday Night Brewing

One World Class Beer & Two Exceptional Beers

Total Score: 284

Highest-scoring beers:

Stranger Danger – 96

Lundi – 94

Currant Events – 94

monday night brewing top-rated beers

Monday Night Brewing in Atlanta, Georgia is 2019’s second runner-up for Brewery of the Year.

The brewery’s top-scoring beer in our Official Review was Stranger Danger, an amusingly named beer that featured an astonishing ingredient: chocolate and peanut butter. Any discerning chocolate fan knows that peanut butter and chocolate is one of the finest flavor combinations in the history of food, so a beer that channels this truth was sure to be a hit. The fact that the beer isn’t overly sweet or heavy goes a long way in showing just how skillful the brewers at Monday Night truly are.

Following that, the brewery actually had three beers that received a rating of 94, including Lundi, a smooth and elegant hazy IPA. Brewed with a delectable combination of Simcoe, Mosaic and El Dorado hops, this citrusy and pleasant brew expertly fits the bill for its style.

Rounding out Monday Night’s world-class and exceptional selections is Currant Events, a Wild Specialty Beer brewed with the rarely used adjuncts of black currants and boysenberries. Clocking in at 4.5 percent ABV, this sour tipple is a truly thirst-quenching fruited brew.



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I like it.


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