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Colorado Beer Adventure Giveaway (Issue 24)

Colorado Beer Adventure Giveaway (Issue 24)

Everybody likes free stuff. Whether it’s “33% more extra!” in your shampoo bottles or a bonus pack of Toast Chee crackers falling out of a vending machine, free stuff rules. With this fact of life in mind, we’re happy to announce the Colorado Beer Adventure Giveaway!

We’ve partnered with some of our favorite companies in order to bring you a one-of-a-kind beer getaway that culminates in a trip to the 2016 Great American Beer Festival, one of the largest beer festivals in the world.

The best part? It’s super easy to enter. In fact, if you’re reading this and you have a Beer Connoisseur Premium Membership, congratulations, you’re already entered to win! If you have yet to purchase a Premium Membership, what are you waiting for?! It couldn’t be simpler. Follow this link and choose your subscription length. Not only will you be entered to win this rad giveaway, but you’ll also be able to access tons of terrific content that only Premium Members can view such as: our lovingly-crafted beer review, featuring upwards of 100 beers in each issue, our Brewer Q & As, in which the makers of high-scoring beers discuss their tremendous creations, recipes, interviews, news and much more!

The drawing will be held on August 5, 2016. Winners will be selected by random number generator, and contacted via the phone number or email address provided upon creating a Premium Member account. Winners will have 5 days to claim their prize before another winner is chosen. Now that the nitty-gritty is out of the way, let’s outline exactly what the prizes are.

A giveaway is only as good as the prizes being offered and the team behind them. In this case Zephyr Adventures is the organizer of the GABF trip, and our first partner for this giveaway.

Founded in 1997, Zephyr Adventures specializes in creating and organizing adventure travel vacations around the world. Many specialty hobbies are included with trips separated into numerous categories: Hiking & Trekking, Biking, Multisport, Skating and (most importantly) Food, Wine & Beer Adventures. If none of these sound appealing (though the last one certainly merits some thought), a private or custom adventure can be worked out with Zephyr.

All of these adventures are customized, fun and action-packed but still relaxing. Despite being guided group affairs, the experience isn’t too linear and exploration is applauded – what would a vacation be without some memorable random occurrences? As Zephyr’s website eloquently states: “We love being active on vacation as it is such an intimate way to see the world. Your chance of striking up a conversation with a local or discovering that hidden treasure is so much greater when you are on foot, bike, or skates. So whether you want to hike the Inca Trail, combine a safari with hiking and visits to wineries in South Africa, or bike through Tuscany we have something for you.”

With Zephyr Adventures at the helm, this trip is sure to be a thrilling excursion, but while they certainly know how to organize an adventure, someone needs to provide the liquid bliss to imbibe during this great getaway. Enter Boulder Beer Company.

In a craft beer city rife with competition, experimentation and...

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