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Avery India Pale Ale

Avery India Pale Ale

United States
Avery India Pale Ale

In the 1700s, one crafty brewer discovered that a healthy dose of hops and an increased alcohol content preserved his ales during the long voyage to India (as depicted in our label) to quench the thirst of British troops. Today, Avery Brewing tips their hat to that historic innovation by brewing Colorado’s hoppiest pale ale. Avery IPA demands to be poured into your favorite glass to truly appreciate the citrusy, floral bouquet and the rich, malty finish.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
45 - 50° F
Two-Row, Munich, Caramel
Kent Goldings, Kent Fuggles



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Brewery Introduction

A Colorado-based brewery for over 25 years, Avery Brewing has a singular focus on creating the perfect beer. In a world full of discord, we believe that a singular dedication to something as seemingly simple as beer can transform the world. Beer First. The Rest Will Follow.
