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Twenty Five

United States
Breckenridge Twenty Five Anniversary Beer
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
22 / 24
37 / 40
6 / 6
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Twenty Five is a unique beer celebrating 25 years of craftsmanship. The recipe starts with an imperial version of our popular Vanilla Porter, resulting in more prominent flavors and stronger alcohol. We then let the beer relax in rum barrels for 2 months with 1/4 pound of split Mexican vanilla beens in ever cask. The result is luxury in a bottle. 

Beverage Profile
Judges Review 
Nelson Crowle's picture
Judges Rating:
22 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

This beer features lots of complexity in the aroma: cookie dough, vanilla, wood, slight caramel, slight chocolate, nuttiness, some roast, and a bit of orange all make an appearance. Its appearance is deep brown with a slight reddish tint, but very clear, and it also has a nice, light tan head of very fine bubbles that hangs around for a while, leaving a little Belgian lace. First taste is big sweet chocolate, black raisins, vanilla, and woody with a slight carbonic bite with an earthy finish where the chocolate and confectioner's sugar linger. A really nice creamy mouthfeel with substantial (but clean) alcohol warmth, and just a tad bit fizzy. This is a beer for a snifter –let it stay in the glass for a while to warm up since all of these flavors and aromas truly come out as the beer gets to 55 - 60 degrees. Get a few bottles, open one, and save the rest for months or years. This is a great dessert beer –a perfect accompaniment to cherry pie and vanilla ice cream.

Brewery Introduction

Back in the 1980s, our founder Richard Squire was your typical ski bum – with one significant difference. He had a knack for making extraordinary home brews. For years, only his closest friends were able to enjoy his creations, but it didn’t take long for Richard to realize that his talents... Read More
