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Fayuca Rizing

United States
Fayuca Rizing, Helio Basin Brewing Co.
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
22 / 24
38 / 40
6 / 6
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

This beer is brewed in collaboration with and specifically for local Phoenix band Fayuca. Somewhere between an IPA and a Pale ale is where this crushable, concert thirst quencher finds its home. The aroma is bright and clean with grapefruit and melon notes as well as a subtle hint of pine and spice. The initial flavor shows a soft caramel sweetness up front with a smooth transition to a pleasant citrus bitterness on the back end and finishes cleanly.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
38 - 42º
Columbus, Centennial, Cascade, Chinook, Citra
Canadian Two-Row, Munich, Caramel-60, White Wheat
Judges Review 
David Sapsis's picture
Judges Rating:
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

Fayuca Rizing by Helio Basin Brewing Co. is being judged as BJCP Category 18B American Pale Ale and served in a shouldered pint glass at 43oF.

The beer comes to me showing a deep gold/light amber color with a faint haze; a big, creamy, off-white head of fine bubbles lasts a long time. Conditioning appears solid, evidenced by a number of persistent threads of gas rising through the column.

A very bright and forward citrus (lime) and piney resin aroma dominate the nose with a light grassy and fruity backstop; only modest malt character comes though initially. After a couple minutes (and some warming and swirling) a little honey and  light caramel emerge creating a pretty classic hop-forward American Pale Ale aroma: assertive but not near over-the-top. Very inviting.

A light, biscuity front goes to a big and firm bitterness that quickly opens up mid-palate flavors of peaches and pine: a light malty/estery backbone spiced up with classic citrus and piney/resin notes with a fresh and sweet fruit counterpoint reminiscent of slightly hard mangoes.  Body is medium-to-light -- perfect  for a golden/low caramel interpretation of the style. The finish is light and dry but long on both grainy/honey malt and lingering hop flavors where an almost perfect balance forms. Overall the beer is bitter and quite hoppy, but the light graininess provides excellent structure making for a truly delicious and drinkable ale.   

I could see this beer being a good partner over a night of darts where after the first pint -- which tastes excellent -- all the next ones taste even better, with or without the pub food. Outstanding. 



