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Editorial Dept.'s picture

Georgia Becomes Final State To Allow Direct Sales

The days of thinly-veiled tours and tastings as a means to enjoy beer from the source are over in Georgia.

On Friday, September 1, Georgia became the final state in the country to allow breweries to sell beer directly to consumers, putting the law into action after passing SB 85 in February. The new law, which applies to distilleries as well, has the potential to more than double the state's number of breweries, which currently sits around 50. 

Brewers and consumers alike had long scoffed at the antiquated legislation, which was viewed as prohibitive to established and prospective breweries, leaving many entrepreneurs to build their businesses elsewhere.

Aside from the obvious perks of easier access to freshly packaged beer for the consumer, breweries expect revenue to increase via direct beer sales, and the state can expect an uptick in tourism and tax revenue. A win for all parties.

Breweries across the state are holding weekend celebrations with specialty brews and events, and breathing one long, collective sigh of relief.


beveragesuperstoreofgrayson's picture
"Win" all around, but not for retail package stores.
