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New Belgium Announces $1 Million Donation to Colorado State University

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The venerable brewing institution donated the money to help expand the university’s burgeoning Fermentation Science program, which currently has 76 students majoring in Fermentation Science and Technology. According to New Belgium CEO Kim Jordan, the donation will help “support the next generation of brewers who will take us into the future.”

Here is the release from New Belgium:                                                                           

FORT COLLINS – New Belgium Brewing today announced a $1 million gift to Colorado State University that will update and renovate facilities housing the university’s Fermentation Science and Technology program.

New Belgium Brewing co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Kim Jordan, will personally give $500,000 to the project and the remaining $500,000 will be allocated over five years through New Belgium’s philanthropy program. The gifts will be used to build a new fermentation science laboratory in the Gifford Building, significantly strengthening the long-standing relationship between CSU and the renowned craft brewery.

“We’ve had a great relationship with the university over the years and it’s personally meaningful to me to be able to give something back,” said Jordan. “Craft brewing has afforded opportunity to more than 100,000 people working in our industry and it’s important to support the next generation of brewers who will take us into the future.”

CSU has provided a Brewing Science and Technology course since 2005 and formally launched the Fermentation Science and Technology undergraduate degree program in August 2013. There are 76 students currently enrolled in the major. The renovated space will be named the New Belgium Fermentation Science and Technology Laboratory and will house analytical, brewing, kitchen, and sensory room space. It is slated for completion in August 2015.

“CSU deeply appreciates the support – both financial and professional – that New Belgium Brewing and Kim Jordan are providing to our Fermentation Science and Technology program,” said CSU President Tony Frank. “The success of this program is a direct reflection of the strong commitment it has received from industry partners, and New Belgium provides our students with a wonderful example of a flourishing business where sustainability, innovation and a spirit of community are pillars of the operation.”

New Belgium Brewing has been a longstanding partner to the fermentation science program at CSU, regularly providing guest lectures and expertise. Having one of the nation’s market-leading craft brewers in such close proximity has been a benefit to students and researchers at CSU, said Mike Pagliassotti, head of CSU’s Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition.

“A partnership like this has strengthened our academic program by allowing our students to interact with individuals who are directly involved in the industry,” Pagliassotti said. “Partnerships such as these allow us to build a program that both the university and industry will be proud of, and it will ensure that we train our students appropriately and in a manner that makes them competitive for post-graduate employment.”

“It is through partnerships such as these that we will be able realize our goals and become a preeminent institution looked to by Colorado, the nation and the international community for talent, research and services to improve the industry we all care for so passionately,” said Jeffrey Callaway, the program’s director of industry outreach. “It is fair to think of this program as one that is significantly supported by the industry and is for the industry.”

Designed to prepare and educate students in the science and art of fermenting foods and beverages, the Fermentation Science and Technology degree program includes the development of practical research and outreach initiatives to answer questions facing the growing fermentation-related industries in Colorado, the United States and the world. This program is currently offered in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition in the College of Health and Human Sciences at CSU. Learn more at


New Belgium Brewing, makers of Fat Tire Amber Ale and a host of Belgian-inspired beers, is recognized as one of Outside Magazine’s Best Places to Work and one of the Wall Street Journal’s Best Small Businesses. The 100% employee-owned brewery is a Platinum-level Bicycle Friendly Business as designated by the League of American Bicyclists, and one of World Blu’s most democratic U.S. businesses, and a Certified B Corp. In addition to Fat Tire, New Belgium brews ten year-round beers; Ranger IPA, Rampant Imperial IPA, Slow Ride Session IPA, Snapshot Wheat, Shift Pale Lager, Sunshine Wheat, 1554 Black Ale, Blue Paddle Pilsner, Abbey Belgian Ale and Trippel. Learn more at
