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Trooper by Robinson’s Family Brewers in the UK is a somewhat non-descript rendition of the Extra Special Bitter (ESB) style. While there is not much that makes it stand out from its competition, this offering is quite clean and approachable, which is fortunately a critical aspect for a beer of this style. This is being evaluated as a Category 11C Strong Bitter as per the 2015 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines.
Evidence of a fresh woody and citrus hop character show up in the aroma, with a background of base and caramel malt along with woody and light floral ester fermentation notes. The color is golden amber, with fantastic clarity and a solid lacy small bubble white head that lingers quite impressively.
The flavor features a moderate bitterness level on top of a somewhat subtle toasty malt backbone. The typical woody British fermentation character is quite evident with a touch of astringency and a light minerally note. The overall flavor does decrease as the drink progresses, becoming rather weak and almost lager-like in the finish and aftertaste. The body is low-medium, and the carbonation is at a moderate level. –about right for a canned version of this style.
Trooper is a well-made relatively clean and refreshing offering without any real flaws, but also without any special character that truly makes it stand out. That said, it is quite quaffable and thirst quenching. Cheers and enjoy!