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Crazy Mountain Hookiebobb IPA

October, 2017
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
4 / 6
35 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Hookiebobb IPA by Crazy Mountain is an IPA and is being evaluated as an American IPA (2015 BJCP Category 21A) offering according to the BJCP guidelines. For this style expect bold, assertive and aggressive American hops with substantial bitterness. These beers are typically fermented clean and finish dry with low to medium-low malt.

Fragrant American hops providing fruity, herbal and grassy notes initially with medium-low cracker malt, and some faint honey notes. As it warms the hops become a little perfumey. Overall, a clean aroma and no esters. Pours clear copper with a small, frothy tight-bubbled white head, short retention with light spotty lacing. Flavor is moderate fruity and citrus hops, somewhat pithy with a moderate, lingering hop bitterness. Light cracker and grainy malt provides a light sweetness to lightly cut the hop bitterness. Dry finish with clean fermentation and no off flavors. Medium bodied, moderate carbonation with light carbonic bite and light alcohol warmth.

A bold, hop-forward beer that maintains the hop dominance throughout, showcasing a complex mixture of hop varietals. The hop bitterness lingers a while with a palate-drying effect. The lingering bitterness is a bit distracting in this example.