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Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
39 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

Though it is unclear precisely when Weihenstephan began producing weissbiers, beer has been made at their site for close to a millennium – at least as far back as 1040. Long considered the “classic” weissbier, Weihenstephaner Hefe-Weissbier is a chewy, fruit and spice-laden brew, revealing layer upon layer of ever-evolving aromas and flavors. High carbonation levels make this a lively beer that seems to leap from the glass, throwing a mountainous, creamy-white head that lasts ‘til the end of the glass. The pale, hazy-yellow color, punctuated by glints of ivory, leaves no doubt that this is a true weissbier. The aroma attacks with swirls of clove, cinnamon, banana and a whiff of melon, all supported by a substantial foundation of wheat and malt. Nick offered high praise for the welcoming honey and cardamom aromas, while Rick was intrigued by the crème brûlée and lemon cream notes. The judges all noted a low, spicy hop character and were unanimous in their assessment of this beer’s aromas as befitting a “classic Bavarian weissbier.” The flavor, while displaying an intense bready wheat note in the forefront, mirrored the aroma’s complexity. The deft integration of hop bitterness and flavors with the light banana and clove notes drew accolades from Tim, who also enjoyed the overall effervescence and lightness on the palate. Truly a world-class beer, Weihenstephaner Hefe-Weissbier should have space reserved in every connoisseur’s cellar.
