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Munich-Type Dark

Munich-Type Dark

Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
33 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Located on the Boston waterfront, Harpoon has been doing what it does best for 25 years – offering a broad range of first-rate beers to a dedicated following. Rife with aromas of rich caramel, molasses, and traces of licorice, Munich Dark fills the room with a deep, malty sweetness. Lee was effusive in his praise of this beer’s aroma, enjoying the mélange of bitter chocolate, luscious caramel, and slightly smoky coffee and the “beautifully integrated totality” of these aromas. He didn’t pick out any coffee, but Tim found a sweet black licorice note lurking beneath the caramel and felt it contributed to the “seductively complex nose.” This brew is a deep brown and almost black. Despite the brooding darkness, it shows scintillating flashes of garnet and ruby when held to the light. Unexpectedly sweet and malty up front, the flavor quickly slips into a swirling mass of dark roasted malt punctuated by firm hop bitterness in the middle, then slides gently off the palate with a slick caramel sweetness. Rick found the roast malt and bitterness a bit high, likening the overall effect to a “lagered robust porter,” and wishing for a bit more malty sweetness through the middle. Aptly suited for the autumn’s impending arrival, Harpoon Munich Dark is a robust brew that will take the edge off the evening’s chill.
