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Judge's Review: 95 Rating - Flensburger Dunkel by Flensburger Brauerei

November, 2019
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Flensburger Dunkel by Flensburger Brauerei was judged as a BJCP style category 8A, Munich Dunkel.

Crystal clear deep copper color on the pour with a thin beige head. The nose is richly malty and melanoidin-heavy, making it delightfully bready. No caramel character, just a hint of cocoa. There is a faint herbal hopping to round it out. Super fresh and clean, nearly perfect. At taste, light and spry on the palate. It is a touch on the sweet side, and a hint more bitterness up front would be great, but it's still super well attenuated and drinkable. Rich and bready while maintaining its lean character. As I continue to drink it, the bitterness grows slightly and brings it into balance. A minor quibble, but I wish it was fully balanced straight through. Overall, lean, light-bodied and crisp, with a good level of carbonation. This is nearly as good as anything I've had overseas, and it makes sense that it is a German brewer making this. Fantastic.