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Judge's Review: 84 Rating - Synopsis Guava by Area Two Experimental Brewing

August, 2020

Synopsis Guava

Synopsis Guava

United States
Synopsis Guava, Area Two Experimental Brewing

Synopsis Guava is a unique, 6.4% sour ale fermented with bacteria and also with wild and cultured yeast strains. It is then aged on wood and abundantly fruited with guava and features a floral aroma and tart tropical notes.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Synopsis Guava by Area Two Experimental Brewing was judged as BJCP category 28C, American Wild Specialty Beer.

Guava and pineapple are present at moderate levels along with a slight impression of lactic sourness. Some very faint funky notes lurk in the background. A little toasty aspect shows up as the beer warms. I’m not sure if this is from malt or wood aging. All the aromatics are at low levels. The beer pours an apricot yellow gold color. Super hazy but not murky. Foamy white head drops out quickly leaving a slight wispy cap lingering to the finish. There is a pronounced guava flavor in relation to the other aspects of the beer. The sourness is somewhat aggressive but not puckering or distracting. The balance is definitely toward the sour, but there is just a touch of malt sweetness to keep the sourness from overpowering all else. The toasty character makes an appearance in the finish and lingers into the aftertaste. I’m getting a touch of floral, rose-like ester and a very low-level hint of fusel alcohol.

Very thirst-quenching, tart guava beer. The sourness is rather aggressive and just a touch harsh. The guava is definitely present and pleasing to the senses. A touch more sweetness would have been welcome and the toasty notes a little out of place. I don’t pick up other wood character. As an American wild ale, I would expect a little more funk but the beer is still an enjoyable summer thirst-quencher.   
