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From the Editor (Issue 53)

From the Editor (Issue 53)

Welcome to the Spring 2021, Issue #53 of The Beer Connoisseur magazine!

It’s that time again, as the winter season will soon be behind us, and warmer temperatures, blooming flowers and new hope springs forth in the coming months.

This issue, as always, features a wide variety of stories that are sure to whet your appetites as well as wet your whistles as we elucidate numerous beer-related stories.

Issue 53 kicks off with a deep dive into the state of beer media and journalism, much like our The Beer in Review annual print edition delves into the industry at large through a look at trends and sales in a variety of categories. Much has changed in our industry over the past few years, so we thought it was high time to delve into it in depth.

Following that, Jim Dykstra explores the role that beer has played in American history – from Native Americans brewing an interesting gruit-style beverage to the Founding Fathers being big-time beer fans.

Then, Marytn Cornell returns with another historical beer story, with this one being about the inspiring story behind the creation of America’s first craft brewery: New Albion Brewing Co.

Ultra-hazy IPAs continue to be among the most popular styles around the world, and High Density Hop Charges are one of the most interesting ways to exponentially increase the hoppiness in any given IPA. Dionne Roberts explores this burgeoning brewing technique with some of its progenitors and pioneers.

Yours truly chimes in with a definitive guide to all of the IPA styles that currently exist, something that should serve as an excellent reference for fans of this hopped-up, uber-popular craft brew style.

Seth Levy returns with a story on the rise of functional beers and how beers have long served as a post-exercise beverage to help replenish the body. Many breweries are beginning to see the appeal of having a brew after a strenuous workout, and Levy explores many facets of this sub-style.

Clayton Schuster makes his BC debut with this fascinating piece about how meaderies are becoming more and more like craft breweries in the way that they create, market and deliver their products to jaded craft beer fans. Myriad flavors and ingredients in meads make them just as interesting as their beery counterparts.

Lastly, Becky Stein delivers a food story with recipes from notable gastropubs and bistros around the country with terrific beer pairings. Enjoy!

Of course, the issue wouldn’t be complete without our industry news, beer reviews and brewer Q&As, and this issue is no different.

We hope you enjoy this issue of The Beer Connoisseur.


-Chris Guest
Managing Editor

Table of Contents
