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Judge’s Review: 93 Rating - Blood Orange Hefeweizen by Garage Brewing Co.

November, 2021

Blood Orange Hefeweizen

Blood Orange Hefeweizen

United States
Blood Orange Hefeweizen, Garage Brewing Co.

This delicious hefeweizen, with its citrusy note of blood orange, will truly satisfy your thirst-quenching needs.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Blood Orange Hefeweizen by Garage Brewing Co is being judged according to the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines, Category 29A – Fruit Beer.

Huge, fragrant and freshly squeezed blood orange emerges from below the thick, frothy white head, which is sitting atop a hazy, reddish orange beer. I get closer to the beer and take a huge whiff, finding a medium, wheat bread malt and moderate, sweet blood orange and soft zest notes. My first mouthful yields zesty and lightly sweet blood orange, soft and light banana esters, and a sweet wheat bread malt. The beer finishes dry despite the malt and blood orange sweetness. Moderate carbonation along with a light body complete the initial experience.

Continuing my evaluation of this beer, the head recedes only slightly and leaves a roof on top of the beer and leaves behind some lacing as I work through it. Faint banana esters emerge in the nose. Sweet blood orange steals the balance from the malt, though the malt remains a strong second string. Hop aroma and flavor are not detectable and there is only faint hop bitterness. Blood orange lingers pleasantly into the aftertaste.

This beer is perfect on this unseasonably warm fall early afternoon, and it would complement a warm slice of fruit cake.
