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Cucumber Berliner Wiesse by Garage Brewing Co. is being judged according to the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines, Category 29A – Fruit Beer.
Freshly cut cucumber and bright, lactic tartness erupt from the glass as it approaches my nose for first full sniff. A light bready malt lingers underneath, and my mouth waters as I anticipate the first taste. But first I watch small bubbles rise swiftly through a harvest gold beer. The lactic sourness and tartness do not disappoint as my saliva glands kick into production immediately. The beer is bone dry and finishes with a lingering, refreshing tart cucumber character.
The cucumber aroma presents both flesh and bright green skin while the flavor is more of the inner, seeded flesh juiciness. Soft mineral notes round out the flavor, and the cucumber and sourness present a delicate balance. The body is very light and the carbonation is low, lacking the effervescence that is typical in this style.
This beer would pair well on a hot and sweaty summer day with a slaw-topped pulled pork sandwich.