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Jason Johnson's picture

Heavy Melon

May, 2016
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

This Fruit Beer pours a crystal clear, deep golden color with a small fizzy head with mediocre retention. In the aroma, I get a distinct grainy malt aroma with some noticeable melon and citrus from the watermelon and lime. What is unexpected is that the herbal and spicy tones work well in concert with the fruit. Unfortunately, the grain aroma doesn’t seem to pair well with the fruit though. I picked up some light watermelon, a bit more lime, and raw, grape-nutty cereal malt flavor. It’s a bit of an odd combination for me that does not seem to meld together very well. The grain flavor clashes with the fruit, and I believe a softer malt profile would serve the beer better. The herbal hops start to come through near the finish and actually complement the fruit. The mouthfeel is light, effervescent and moderately creamy. I can see this being appealing to some people, but the odd combination of grape-nutty grains and melon/lime just seemed a bit disjointed to me.
