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Rick Franckhauser's picture

Half Cycle IPA

September, 2016
Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Aromas of fresh grass and grapefruit jump out of the glass along with some pine, wood, oranges, and a touch of malt sweetness. A hazy light-golden color with a fine, off-white and creamy foam cap holds up until the end. Big pithy grapefruit flavors assault the palate followed quickly by resinous hops with the balance decidedly towards the bitter. The malt makes itself known more in the mouthfeel rather than in flavor but you know it’s there, and it is welcomed. With ,edium carbonation and a medium-dry finish, the beer manages to avoid being astringent but there is a definite hop bite and lingering stickiness. The flavor and bittering hops border on Double IPA territory, but the malt keeps it in the IPA camp. This is an American hop lover's dream beer.