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Pat Mulloy's picture

Patio Smasher

October, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

The glass releases very balanced yet complex and layered peach aromas laced with pie crust, subdued sour aromas, hints of floral, and faint barnyard. A lightly amber tinted medium clear gold pour produces an off-white foam cap of moderate size and retention. Lemony tartness with traces of funk rushes in from all directions driving off an initial honey soaked peach flavor. A mild pie crust flavor and a spicy funk accent emerge in the background. Light tannin from the peach provides drying on the finish. The peaches transition nicely from ripe to over-ripe as you drink. Peach coats the mouth, growing with each drink and remains for some time after finishing the beer. There beer achieves a very pleasant marriage of peach and funk. It has a light to medium light body, moderately high carbonation and a slightly astringent, drying finish. This is a very elegant, well thought out beer.
